Booth Sales run from Mar 8 - Apr 13. TROOPS Click to select times and locations. COOKIE QUESTIONS PLEASE DIRECT TO

NEW Girl Scouts Registration - Click Here!

CHECK OUT our Calendar of events!

SIGN UP (individual or troops) to Volunteer for Fall 2024 and 2025 Activities! Click Here!

5th grade Troop #98034 wishes to thank the many troops and neighbors who participated in our community wide pajama drive benefitting Child Focus - CASA of Passaic and Union Counties. Thanks to your generosity we collected 238 new cozy PJs for children in foster care!

Got questions??? Reach out to us at - our general email


Our Mission:


Chatham Girl Scouts are part of a national network - 2.5 million strong—more than 1.7 million girls and 750,000 adults who believe in the power of every G.I.R.L. (Go-getter, Innovator, Risk-taker, Leader)™ to change the world. We’re the preeminent leadership development organization for girls. And with programs from coast to coast and across the globe, Girl Scouts offers every girl a chance to practice a lifetime of leadership, adventure, and success.


Our Vision

Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.


Our Impact

Each year, Chatham Girl Scouts participate in hundreds of hours of volunteer service to the community. The highest awards in Girl Scouting (Bronze, Silver, and Gold) are always a highlight of the special projects our girls create and implement to make our world a better place.



of women business owners were girl scouts



of female US Senators were Girl Scouts



of female astronauts who have flown in space was a girl scout


Truly, Ours Is a Circle of Friendships, United by Our Ideals

Juliette Gordon Low



Get Involved

All girls living in Chatham are welcome to join the Chatham Girl Scouts. There are programs for girls in K-12, and girls can join at any point, regardless of whether they have been in the program from early on. Girls who live in Chatham but attend other schools outside the district are also welcome. Many girls find this a great way to connect with their community, as well as learn leadership skills and deepen their commitment to service.