Info for Girl Scout Families


Already a Chatham Girl Scout family? Welcome! Here you will find some helpful resources and links for all things Girl Scouts!

(Not yet a Girl Scout? Check out our page for more info and registration here!)



Our Registration page has information on how to register and links to do so.


Service Projects

This page has a range of ideas for Service Projects for Girl Scout Troops. There is also information about how to run and organize a Service Project. If you are a leader or a Girl Scout with a project you’d like to share for support, please email, to have your project information shared here.


GSNNJ Event Calendar

Council activities give Girl Scouts the opportunity to explore interests and meet other Girl Scouts, while earning badges and patches. Check out the Girl Scouts of Northern New Jersey website click the ACTIVITIES tab then the EVENT CALENDAR to see what's coming up, with Girl Scouts of Northern New Jersey! Note the opening and closing registration dates for each activity, and register for your favorites. Also note if you click ACTIVITIES and choose ACTIVITIES BY GRADE LEVEL then PROGRAM ACTIVITIES REGISTER HERE you can look up events from other councils. Note some activities “out of council” pricing will be different.

Girl Scouts of Northern New Jersey Website

Other Helpful Links

Our Links page lists a variety of helpful Girl Scout websites.



Upcoming Events

A calendar of upcoming events for the Chatham Girl Scouts.


GSNNJ (Girl Scouts of Northern New Jersey)

Visit the GSNNJ’s website to learn more about Girl Scouts, view the program activities, shop for gear, fill out forms, volunteer ad more.


GSNNJ Summer Camp Info

At Jockey Hollow and Lake Rickabear Summer Day Camps, we're boating, cooking, fishing, building survival huts, riding horses, zip lining, hitting bullseyes in archery, woodworking, creating things, making new friends, and so much more! 



Here is the Chatham Girl Scouts Roster by grade level as of 2/6/25. Chatham Girl Scout Roster 2024-2025

This is a great resource which lists by grade and school - troop#s, troop leader names, emails, and the number girls in each troop. Great for planning Service Unit events, reaching out to connect with fellow leaders at your school to discuss school events or grade level activities you can coordinate together for more economies of scale in costs per girl events.

Links to recent articles about Chatham Girl Scouts: